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about the handling of DOUBLE CARDS a lecture by ASCANIO
We have many of Ed Marlo's books - Many are rare and long out of print
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Marlo in Spades Sixth printing 2004 New and unmarked Contains over 20 routines
Miracle Card Changes by Ed Marlo
The Tabled Palm by Ed Marlo (Revolutionary Card Technique No. 5) This booklet contains methods to palm off cards while the deck is on the table. It…
The Multiple Shift by Ed Marlo (Revolutionary Card Technique No. 11) Most fabulous, imaginative and practical methods developed with this popular s…
No title page, as issued. Plastic comb binding with stiff printed paper covers. Treatise on techniques for the gambling sleights known as the second d…
Spiral Bound - By Edward Marlo Contains all the early Marlo material for your convenience. Formerly put out in a dozen or more pamphlets -- now wit…
The Shank Shufflr by Ed Marlo - Edited by Jon Racherbaumer - Copyright 1972 - Out of print and rare Contains 31 complete items - 14 technical and 7…
Includes the Human Slot Machine and other guaranteed laugh jackpots, a modern line of patter for the Miser's Dream, a complete routine with a single c…
This booklet contains over 30 effects and ideas using Faro Shuffle
This booklet describes Marlo's techniques for the Faro Shuffle
Original methods for switching a card or cards. A new subject in card magic. 125 illustrations, 70 pages.
1993 Close up Magic EDWARD MARLO
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