Remove a deck of "Invisible Cards" from your pocket. Ask a spectator to remove the "Invisible Cards" from the box and shuffle them.
Next, have him/her spread the "cards" face down on the table and remove any one. Have him/her "show" his/her imaginary card to the audience, but make sure s/he doesn't show it to you!
Of course, s/he is to remember the name of his/her card!
Now ask him/her to take the deck and spread it face-up on the table.
S/He is to replace his/her card face down into the face-up deck. You take the "Invisible Cards" and put them back in your pocket.
Remove a deck of visible cards from your pocket. Ask the spectator to name his/her card.
Spread the deck. One card is turned over and proves to be the selected card!!! A miracle.
Product Code: AVIL1IBR4