Dai Vernon's Ultimate Secrets of Card Magic


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Product Information

Dai Vernon's Ultimate Secrets of Card Magic - New - Still in protective shipping wrap from printer 

includes three treatises put together by Dai himself, Vernon on the Pass, Vernon On Table Passes, and After Peeking. Other Vernon highlights are his incredible Slow Motion Card Vanish, the much imitated Matched Spellout, Running the Scale, Pre Mathematics, Small Packet Glide, Cold Deck and The Bottom Deal.

Also includes effects specially chosen from Vernon's good friends Bruce Cervon, Charlie Miller, Fred Kaps, Francis Carlyle, Jay Ose, Eddie Taytelbaum, Persi Diaconis, Gerald Kosky, Ross Bertram, Roger Klause, Larry Jennings, Faucett Ross, Alex Elmsley, Jack Avis, Francis Haxton, Fred Lowe, Peter Warlock and Roy Walton.

Product Code: DAID4HZ870


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