MAGICAL MYSTERIES by S.S. Adams (Samuel Sorenson)


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Product Information

Asbury Park, N.J.: S.S. Adams Co. | Privately Printed, N.D. [Circa 1920's]. 

First printing. Stapled Wraps. pp. 18, [2] pages. 12mo measuring 18 cm tall. Publisher's advertisements (2 p.) at end.

Illustrated stapled card covers depicting the devil and his cohorts, a tarot card reader, ghosts, skeletons etc. The author goes on to explain a variety of "magical mysteries" (tricks) and how perfomers go on about accomplishing their illusions for their audience.

He includes explanations for: "Magical Finding of Magic Cards", "Reading Sealed Messages", "Sensational Mind Reading Act", "Biting Nails Into Two", "The Art of Ventriloquism", "Ten Ichi Thumb Tie", "Solid Through Solid" amongst many others. Many of the explanations are accompanied with amusing illustrations. 

It is an old booklet  

Stains on the front page, back cover stains and scratches

Inside  Good condition for 1920


Product Code: MAG7PZOK90


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