the hierophant 3AND4


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Product Information

:The Hierophant was a periodical produced by Jon Racherbaumer consisting of mostly card magic with contributions from many.

No. 3

101 Major Arcana
101 Roland's Hurley's "Chinese Enigma"
106 Repeat Signed Card to Case (Edward Marlo)
113 Signature Transpositon (Edward Marlo)
116 Simplex or Complex (Edward Marlo)

120 Minor Arcana
120 Cervon's "Dealing the Flush"
121 Allan Ackerman's The Fickle Card's Fingered Fate
122 The Professor's Incubus

125 Card-nundrums
125 Roy Walton's "Friendly Persuasion"
126 3² Deal Duplicated (Marvin Johnson)

128 Satiricon
128 La Fleury, Pagan Cardicienne (Dave Bendix)
130 Dove Droppings from all Over (Jerry Printz)
130 Ask the Millwright (Jerry Printz)

133 Olram Returns
133 Convincing Control
136 Marlo on the Charlier Pass
139 Variant of Hit Second Deal
140 The Surprise Packet
142 Signed Card in --------
145 No-turn Triumph
147 Tilt Collectors
148 All You Have to do is Watch
151 Marlo's One-hand Bottom Deal Illusion
153 Another Visit

160 Aftermath
167 Postscript
168 Publisher's Palaver

No. 4

171 Publisher's Palaver
173 Simon Aronson's "Lie Detector" Speller
176 Those Collectors Again (Edward Marlo)
178 Tibetan Checkers (Jules DeBarros)
181 Marlo Fakes out Elmsley
183 Setting up a Packet Exchange...
184 The Open Double Deal Exchange (Edward Marlo)
185 Skinning the Cat (Edward Marlo)
187 Gone to Earth (Roy Walton)

188 Intermission (Paul Swinford)

189 Fly me to the Moon (Edward Marlo)

193 Estimations
193 Dunbury's Delusions

196 The Satiricon
196 Harry Lorayne on "In Search of a Name!"
198 Jack Liuso on "We're Going to Chicago"
201 Jerry Andrus on "Card Miracle Extraordinary"

204 The Original R or B Phantom (Edward Marlo)
205 Who's Hockley? (Edward Marlo)
207 The Wrong Deck by Edward Marlo
210 Right-hand Pressure Fan Notes (Edward Marlo)
210 Pardon my Backs! (Jon Racherbaumer)
213 Almost Making It (Jon Racherbaumer)

217 The Perpetrator

Printed in 1976

Some pages are stained

Product Code: THETNEZF12


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