The Phoenix 201-250 by Bruce Elliott, Walter B. Gibson


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Product Information

In the Original Plastic Wrap

Phoenix was a biweekly Magic Periodical by Walter B. Gibson with Assistant Editor Bruce Elliott (whom became editor in 1944) which ran from No. 1, Jan. 1, 1942 - No. 300, Feb. 19, 1954.


It would usually contain three to five tricks per issue.


This is one of the greatest buys in magic today. You have no idea of the number of tricks, the amount of information, the witty, very interesting columns of magic trivia, news, argument, history, biography, reports, reviews and everything else that appears in the New Phoenix.

That includes drawings, art work, cartoons and graphics.

The staff, besides being top show biz personalities themselves, were surrounded in New York by friends and artists in the above named categories, all of whom helped in the magazine.


Volume 5 includes issues 201-250



Product Code: THEU1HJP74


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